Lucia Flack Figueiredo

Lucia Flack Figueiredo
President, UFCW Canada Local 1400

Welcome to the UFCW 1400 website.  United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1400 has been in existence since 1979, with a national history of mergers with other labour organizations reaching back more than a century.  Our goal is to obtain rights and benefits for our members through collective bargaining, to improve working terms and conditions by actively engaging workers at all levels in our communities, and to enforce worker’s rights in their workplace.

UFCW 1400 Union Representatives have been assigned to each workplace and work with shop stewards and members to address issues and questions specific to each unit.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact your Representative, with the contact information detailed here on the website.  At all times, if you need any help, if you want to speak directly to the Union Representative, or you are unable able to find answer you are looking for, contact the Union office.

UFCW 1400 offers so much more than just a collective agreement.  As members in a Union workplace, you have the opportunity for personal development by enrolling in a number of workshops or conferences; you have the benefit of empowerment when you engage in the bargaining process, negotiating improvements to your working terms and conditions, and the security of working collectively in support of each other.  I look forward to engaging and working with each of you in the future to continue building better workplaces and communities for everyone.